Technical support and guides for the RCSU training platform.

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I forgot my username and password
  • Click on the phrase “FORGOT PASSWORD?” below the “Sign In” button on the login page.
  • Enter the Email that you used for your account, then click Submit.
  • You will receive an email, shortly after you click Submit, containing a link that will take you into the system to reset your password.

Note: Your password must have at least 6 characters, contain at least 1 Capital Letter, and 1 Number or Symbol.

What if my username and password are correct but I still can’t login?

Sometimes the login issue is the result of a firewall. Sometimes companies (places like; offices, schools, banks, etc.) have their Internet security and firewall set up to block certain sites that they do not know about. To resolve this, you will need to “whitelist” or pre-approve the URL for the training platform. Please see the information below: 

Here is the URL/domain that you can whitelist for all LightSpeed VT System activity:


As soon as that’s setup, all domains/subdomains that contain *.lightspeedvt.com will be whitelisted.

I’m an Account Manager and need to add a new user

Only users with Account Manager access can add or edit users. We recommend watching this short video or simply follow the steps below:

1. To create a new user, simply click on the Add User icon located in the header section at the top of your VT system.

2. From there you will be brought to the User Management Page where you can quickly create a user with just a handful of fields to fill out. Make sure the Create User tab is selected: 

3. Here you will create their username and password and fill out relevant contact information. Be sure to create a unique username. For example, we recommend using the first initial, dot, last name (A.Robinson) For the password, we recommend using something generic and easy to remember like rcsu2024.

***Further down, you will select the setting that forces the user to update their password after they login the first time. (see below)

4. Next you will select their access level. Each user is assigned to one (and only one) Access Level, and this determines what basic privileges they have, or do not have. Here is the description of the Access Levels a subscriber can select from:

  1. Learner access: This is for standard users, typically general staff at your club. This means they will only be able to view training content, make changes to their own user account information, and view their own report card and usage report. 
  2. Account Manager access: This should be reserved for Managers or staff that have been given the responsibility of overseeing training. They will have the ability to view their own training content, can make changes to their own user profile and reporting, and have added features such as the ability to view reporting for all users, assign training to staff and create or deactivate user accounts. 
  3. Multi-Location Account Manager access: This access should be reserved for Managers who will oversee training for more than one location for your club. They will have all the features of an Account Manager but can view reporting and create or edit users for all locations. 

5. Next you will select their content role. Think of the content role as the subject matter they will need training on. 

  1. For general staff you will select Learner content. 
  2. For managers you will select Manager content. 

6. If your location has any custom training topics or courses that are specific only to your club, you will then select the Premier Content tab. Here you can use the Search bar to find the name of your course or custom training program. Simply select the box for the relevant training.

7. Last you will select Create User to save the user account in the system. If you want the system to send an automated email with their login credentials, select Email User Immediately. If you would like to personally notify them of their login credentials, select Do not email user

8. We recommend leaving the Do Not Force Password Update box unchecked so the system will force them to create their own unique password once they login for the first time with the login credentials you created. 

I’m an Account Manager and need to deactivate a user

1. To find the user account you need to deactivate, you can easily navigate to the Search Users feature by clicking the Add User icon in the toolbar at the top of the page.

2. Select the Search Users tab at the top of the page:

3. Select the user’s name from the drop-down menu and click the Select User button: 

4. Under the Account Information section, you will see the Active User toggle. Simply switch it from Yes to No

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Account to save your changes. Be sure to leave the options above blank.  

I’m an Account Manager and need to create a training Assignment

To find how to Assign Training for users, we recommend watching this short video or simply follow the steps below: 

Assign and Manage Training Expectations

The Assign Training feature lets you create training assignments for any group of Users. You can create long-term assignments with an open-ended due date, or you can create them with a deadline to encourage faster training. You can also see current assignments and their progress or archive older assignments. 

1. Click the Assign Training button on the toolbar at the top of the homepage. 

2. To create a new assignment, click on the “+ New Assignment” button and follow the steps – we will outline them here if you need additional details:

Next, give this assignment a title:

Select the Content you would like to Assign:

If needed, you can reorder your Courses to display how you would like them completed. Simply drag each course to its desired position:

Choose how many Revolutions to make it: (A Revolution is how many times a user must complete a course before it is officially marked in the system.)

Select the Locations where you would like to assign this:

Select the Content Roles, Teams or (Individual) Users to assign it to:

Select whether you would like to automatically assign this Assignment to new users that meet these same criteria:

Select today or a future start date, select an end date (or leave it open):

Note: If you Enable Auto Assign, the “End Date” will automatically remain open-ended. This is so Users are not accidentally assigned to the Assignment after it has already expired.

Add an (optional) custom 'Email Subject' line and 'Message' to the automated emails they will receive:

In the next section, you can set up (optional) automated email progress reports for your team leaders, managers, or anyone else you would like to view progress.

And that is it! If your assignment is set to begin today, your selected users will receive an email immediately letting them know they have new training to complete, and when it is due.

Why can’t I find my training videos?

Sometimes this happens because the cache and cookies on your browser need to be cleared. 

I’m an Account Manager and need to access usage reports and report cards for our users

To find how to access reporting features, we recommend watching this short video or simply follow the steps below: 

Usage and Report Cards

To get started, click on the 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner of the home screen. 

In the drop down menu, select Reports:

Next, select either Report Cards or Usage Reports, depending on what you need to look at. Remember that My Report Card and My Usage Report are only for your personal account.

I’m a user with Learner access and need to access my personal usage reports and report cards

To find how to access your personal training reports, we recommend watching this short video or simply follow the steps below: 

To get started, click on the 3 horizontal lines in the top right corner of the home screen. 

In the drop-down menu, select Reports

Next, select either My Report Card or My Usage Report, depending on what you need to look at. 

Why is the system not showing I completed a chapter?

This sometimes occurs when a user starts watching a video and pauses it without coming back for a long time. The system tracks training time from the moment you start a video/chapter until the completion of that video/chapter, including pauses. So, if a video is paused for a while, the system will discard that training time to prevent unrealistic training time reports. If this happens, it will show the video has not been completed and will force the user to start over on that chapter. 

We also recommend making sure your browser is up-to-date and not to use a VPN while watching content to help ensure this does not occur in the future.

I am an Account Manager and I need to find out how much time staff have been training

This information can be pulled from the Usage Reports feature and filtered by user. Please see the steps below for more information: